
The Duvivier Project aims to alleviate poverty, one family at a time.

Learn about Projects

2021 Student Kits

For Easter we are putting together 250 Student Kits for local learners. (Learn More)

What Can A Goat Do?

Our program to help families with a female goat is sustainable. It helps a family towards self-sufficiency and brings hope!  (Learn More)

Trees for Food

Tree planting, especially in Haiti, must be done with a purpose and intention. If a tree doesn’t produce income it is unlikely to get planted.  (Learn More)

Learn about Solutions

Helping Local Farmers

Through a variety of programs farmers like Mr. Meteus can receive training and upon completion they will be given a pair of pigs or a female goat. In exchange, they are asked to return two piglets or two goats within two years to help maintain the program.

Student Sponsorships

The rural area in northern Haiti called the Duvivier community is barely accessible by vehicle. It is an area where families find it difficult to afford sending their children to school, let alone provide some important basics. Our scholarship program helps these struggling families find a way to education.